I fear these wars will only get worse and proliferate as the world fights for increasingly scarcer resources, be they minerals and rare earths found in the Sahel, or over control of oil and gas as in Sudan, or climate led famine and drought. Then add in all the religious, ethnic, geographical, and otherwise historical divisions and grievances why should we expect this to get better?

The accelerant poured in the fire is third country influence. We must ask what does UAE or Iran get out of this? Iran has run its country and economy into the ground and alienated some much of its people. To what end? Why would UAE which has abundant oil wealth intervene in Sudan? Or Libya? Are they simply bored being rich with oil?

In the end it is about the need for more…never being satisfied. It is about the need for control feel superior to or better than that the other. It is a human psychological sickness for which there seems to be no vaccine or cure.

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In South Sudan Kir and Machar, the counterparts of Burhsn and Hemeti, do seem to have managed to keep some sort of peace since they made an agreement in 2018. Only they don’t want any nonsense about elections. Is there anything to be learned from this comparison?

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The suffering in Sudan also affects Gambia, an odd little country along the banks of the Gambia River, which separates Sudan and South Sudan, and is the perfect place for launching rebel incursions.

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The Gambia is in Western Africa, over 2500 miles from Sudan and South Sudan. Would be quite the incursion!

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Apologies. I have confused Sudan with Senegal. There are periodic outbreaks of violence between the two Senegals too.

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