Thank you for a superb yet restrained discussion on a topic that is so opaque to many of us.

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Can a copy of this be sent to Jeremy Bowen, the BBC's international editor? His piece on last night's TV news was excruciatingly ill-informed and opinionated in contrast to this!

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Iran and Russia are doing their best to create hardship and suffering in the world. Why??

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If the USA is “exasperated” by Israel’s conduct of the Gaza war, can it apply pressure through restricting supplies of weapons to Israel?

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Thanks for another informative post. How should we interpret the Houthis’ motives in attacking commercial shipping? Should we take the proposition that it is about solidarity with Gaza/hostility to Israel at face value, or do they have some wider interest in conflagration/escalation?

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Thank you for providing additional context for why KSA and UAE have been so restrained regarding shipping in the Red Sea as well as why this should not be “escalatory.” The question I have is why wait to take out these capabilities now? Why not have done it sooner if it was only meant to guarantee free navigation? Clearly, it seems Iran does not want to let matter get out of control.

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